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At Home Caregiver Full-time Job

Nov 3rd, 2022 at 13:58   Home Health Care   North Sarasota   189 views Reference: 943
Job Details

Apply by copying and pasteing on this link into your browser: https://closetohome.smartcaresoftware.com/register

Looking for a high quality person to work with a female dementia patient. We will train.

This position is 11a-7p Monday-Friday, 40 hours per week. Preferably, I would like 1 caregiver to work with her.

Requires an attentive caregiver who is willing to help with toileting, bathing, and is engaging with the patient. The client does have a tendency to wander, taking long walks.

Close To Home Caregivers is A VIP concierge Caregiver service providing excellent caregivers, armed with comprehensive care planning, to serve our clients. Our company (and our clients) understands that a wonderful caregiver makes a huge difference in the quality of life for our clients.

The management of Close to Home Caregivers are all caregivers who understand what it is like to professionally serve our clients with excellence. We appreciate our caregivers, have walked in their shoes, and have created a caregiver-centric business model. We believe that by creating a great working environment where you are respected and appreciated, everyone will benefit (including the clients).

Job Type: Full-time

Pay: $16.00 per hour


  • 8 hour shift

Work Location: One location

Company Description
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